Ker Boroom Bi
An Uttermost Outreach
Pastor Anelechi and Bidemi have been providing a home to less privileged children throughout the years. The physical, emotional, and Spiritual needs of
the less privileged children & orphans in Passi are great. Hence, they plan
to build Ker Boroom Bi to meet those needs.
Ker Boroom Bi, which means "The Lord's House" in Wolof, the indigenous language in Senegal, will be a home for an extended family of 40 Children raised to Know and Follow the Lord through the Word of God by Pastor Anelechi and his wife Bidemi.
The detailed schematic design plans for Ker Boroom Bi (KBB) were designed by a team from Engineering Ministries International (EMI), who traveled to Passi in March 2007.
Although it has been 10 years since KBB was designed by EMI, Pastor Anelechi and Bidemi wait eagerly in hope for it to be built, for they understand that their perseverance will be worth it, for KBB will allow them to abundantly provide for the children of the poorest of the poor in Passi by meeting their most basic physical and spiritual needs, such as by simply giving them something to eat.
KBB will show the love of Christ by providing the KBB children with a loving home and genuine parental care. In addition, KBB will provide them with an education, including bible study and discipleship classes. KBB will be a modern facility with a kitchen, a dining hall, a laundry room, as well as a teaching hall and a library where the KBB children can study.
The KBB facility will also be used as an Outreach Center for the community at large, and will become a Refuge for the many street children of Passi, by providing them with at least one meal a day as the Lord provides. Furthermore, K BB will be a place of Fellowship for the few Christians who live in Passi.
KBB will open doors to the Gospel to the people and children of Passi through love in the following ways:
- Providing Food, Clothing and Shelter
- Providing Clean Water
- Providing a Loving Christian Home
- Providing Parental Care
- Providing an Education and Sharing the Word
- Providing Hope
- Proving Bible Classes to Children in the Community
- Providing a Refuge to Quranic and Street Children
- Providing for Basic Health Care Services
- Providing for Medical Care in Hospital at Kaolack if Necessary
The site for KBB, which God has provided for, is located about 100 meters from the local grade school where about 200 children attend. This gives it a key location in the community and makes it noticeable by many people passing by on the way to school or to the market. The total area of the site is 400 square meters. At a glance the project may look small, but it encompasses a large vision. Not only will it be a home for up to 40 children, but it will also have guest rooms for short term mission groups. In addition, KBB will house a library for teaching and studying and will provide a retreat for visiting missionaries.
KBB will house 40 Children. Thus, they only need 40 Churches or 40 Believers to partner with them to build KBB. Once KBB is built, the monthly expense per child per partner is estimated to be less than $100 USD for food, clothing, utilities, etc. So, for a modest monthly amount you and/or your Church can provide Hope in the uttermost part of the world.