About Us

Pastor Anelechi was 28 years old when he was saved in 1990. He subsequently served as a home church pastor through Glory Tabernacle Ministry in Western Nigeria. In 1993, he was called into full time Ministry. In 1994 he enrolled in  cross-cultural mission training under Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) in Jos, Nigeria. Upon graduation he became a member of the full time staff of CAPRO and served among different unreached people groups in northern Nigeria for many years. Bidemi was also a full time missionary with CAPRO. 

In 1998 Pastor Anelechi and Bidemi beccame engaged and on July 3rd 1999 they were married. From the onset of their marriage they both desired to see the children of the poorest of the poor raised for Christ, and to help them develop a firm foundation in the Word. In 2006, after many years of service under CAPRO, they asked for their release of duty and for prayers for their new calling, the Crown of Life Outreach Ministries (COLOM), which they founded and officially registered with the Government of Senegal in June 2008. 

Being trained under Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) they share a similar belief. Crown of Life Outreach Ministries (COLOM) is a non-profit organization that lives by faith and trusts the Lord for provision. Moreover, it is a non-denominational global Christian missionary movement of African origin, taking the gospel to Africa and to the remaining un-evangelized parts of the world, as God directs.

Pastor Anelechi and Bidemi have taken in numerous children over the years, caring for them as any loving parents would. Emilie and Diatta both came to live with them 10 years ago. The Crown of Life Outreach Ministries (COLOM) started its operation through this children outreach. Their faith reaches far beyond the walls of their home and into the community of Passy, Senegal. In 2013, they had their first child, a baby girl named Covenant Elisabeth after 14 years of marriage.

In 2005, Pastor Anelechi and Bidemi's vision grew to build “Ker Boroom Bi” which means “The Lord’s House” in Wolof, the indigenous language in Passi. Through Ker Boroom Bi (KBB), they will minister to the children of the poorest of the poor by providing them with their most basic physical and spiritual needs.

Pastor Anelechi & Bidemi

Covenant's 3rd Birthday Party

Matthew 19:14 NIV

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthieu 19:14 NEG1979

Et Jésus dit: Laissez les petits enfants, et ne les empêchez pas de venir à moi; car le royaume des cieux est pour ceux qui leur ressemblent.

Doctrinal Statement

Crown of Life Outreach Ministries is founded upon the fundamental truth of the Christian faith as revealed in the whole of the Holy Scriptures, including:

  • The one eternal God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • The Lordship of Jesus Christ in the life of the believer.
  • The Divine inspiration of the Bible and its final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • The universal sinfulness of man which brings God's condemnation on all men.
  • The redemption from the penalty and power of sin solely through the sacrificial death and bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
  • The present day ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. 
  • The empowering of believers by the Holy Spirit for more effective service.
  • The fellowship of all believers in The Universal Church which is the Body of Christ.
  • The expectation of the personal physical return of our Lord Jesus Christ, in power and glory.
  • The eternal dwelling of the saints with God and the eternal separation of the unbelievers from Him. 


Discipleship is a lifelong activity for every believer. Crown of Life Outreach Ministries engages in disciple making, in obedience to the Word. 

Matthieu 16:24 Darby
Then Jesus said to his disciples, If any one desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Matthieu 16:24 NEG1979 

Alors Jésus dit à ses disciples: Si quelqu’un veut venir après moi, qu’il renonce à lui-même, qu’il se charge de sa croix, et qu’il me suive.